Saturday, April 30, 2011

Android Cartel

A techno/chillout/downtempo duo from Los Angeles. Check em out! Ive been listening to all of thier work on Soundcloud. I like this mix, and thier track "Talking Night (Original Mix)"!

Android Cartel - Beyond Wonderland 2011 Promo Mix by insomniacevents

As You Wish, ponderings and shameful plugging

About the same time I was making the fractal art using Apophsys, I was hard at work creating the original version of this blog (which was more about the spirtual/mind expansion culture), and this CafePress online store. There's not much designs, but I was pumping out all these "shirt" ideas and thought why not throw a few of them on t-shirts and products and see if they sell. Ive sold 2 shirts over 3 years. Not bad!! Some people would be all discouraged! Two people in the world are walking around with a t-shirt that only one other person has. Kind of mind-blowing isnt it? Someone is walking around with my design on thier shirt! :D Anyways, id like to keep going with this site, but dont have the time or energy or $$ to invest in it at the second. But take a look, and if you see anything you like, don't hesitate to order something! :D

Thursday, April 28, 2011

M4 #2 Kevin Bracken and Newmindspace

Kevin Bracken is originally from Long Island, New York and co-founded Newmindspace during his 5-year studies in Toronto, Canada, where he contributed to numerous projects aimed at improving public life such as the TRIP! Project and the Toronto Public Space Committee. In January of 2009, he returned to New York to work on Refuge, a multi-purpose center for the arts in Brooklyn, where Newmindspace is now headquartered.

He delights in late-night techno dance parties, blowing large volumes of bubbles with brightly-colored machines, website design and technology, public infrastructure and transit, tall buildings, big cities, boardwalks, electronic music, the earth, beauty, and adventures of all kinds.

This guy sounds awesome already!
now these pictures and text may not direct reflect Kevin Bracken or newmindspace, but this is the general idea of what it is he does and the idea of flash mobs.
Subway Party!
A subway party is a celebration that occurs on a mass transit system. Generally, people meet at a predetermined station in their city's mass transit system, wait until their numbers have achieved critical mass, and board the train. From there, revelers may engage in many different activities, from playing music and dancing to exchanging gifts.

There are several kinds of subway parties, the two most distinct being the rush hour subway party and the late night subway party.

Now this is what I am talking about. Free celebration of life! A gathering of people for the purpose of positivity, plur and a great time. And its not at some 18 or 21+ overpriced club or event, its in the local subways! Things like this gives me faith in humanity, or better yet, our youth.

Pillow Fight!!!!

A pillow fight flash mob is a social phenomenon of flash mobbing and shares many characteristics of a culture jam. The flash mob version of massive pillow fights is distinguished by the fact that nearly all of the promotion is Internet-based. These events occur around the world, some taking the name Pillow Fight Club, a reference to Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk in which anyone could join and fight as long as they fought by the rules.Both the London and Vancouver Pillow Fight Club's rules reflect that described in the book and feature film.

The trend owes much to uses of modern communications technologies, including decentralised personal networking, known as smartmobbing. Word of the events spreads primarily via digital means, usually on the internet via email, chat rooms and text messaging which result in seemingly spontaneous mass gatherings. Pillows are sometimes hidden and at the exact pre-arranged time or the sound of a whistle, the pillow fighters pull out their pillows and commence pillow fighting. The pillow fights can last from a few minutes to several hours.

My friend actually attended a few of these in downtown Los Angeles a few years ago. It blew my mind when he told me about these.. A pillow fight with 1000+ people in the middle of downtown? Awesome! This is regression to the most sought after emotional feeling.. to be a child again. As we grow up, we lose the sense of play (Remember that from Bomb It?) and just do our routines, work (school), eat, sleep repeat. We as humans (adults in particular) need to be able to go out and play! Alot of my friends when they go out to parks and stuff to do yoga, acroyoga or the like, always say they are "Going out to play." Not many seem to have that playful mentality (me included!)

So everyone.. go out and play!!

Im also thinking, this would have been an amazing semester full class participation project where the class comes up with an idea for a flash mob on campus. That would have been completely AMAZING. (hint hint!)

This track is a Lady Gaga remix by the man, Skrillex. This is an uncompleted work, someone stole the hard-drives which contained his work, and someone leaked it. Skrillex knows, and actually shared it on his FB page. So enjoy! its sick ;)

Monday, April 25, 2011

M4 #1 Yoko Ono

Yoko Ono (born February 18, 1933) is a Japanese artist, musician, author and peace activist, known for her work in avant-garde art, music and filmmaking as well as her marriage to John Lennon. Ono brought feminism to the forefront through her music which prefigured New Wave Music(whether she was a direct influence is still debated.

Cut Piece

I thought this was very interesting. Many people would think that this is boring, but its actually quite a great idea! Just her sitting there in her dress isnt the art, its the interaction from the audience cutting pieces off of her dress that make it so interesting. Its a group effort, and everyone has a different idea on what piece they want to cut. Each presentation could be a different experience! It also takes alot of trust and sense of self to be able to do this in public!

Just watching this video alone has given me ideas on a performance art piece. Can't tell you what it is, or if ill be able to get it done in time for the class's deadline, but the fact is something so simple like this can invoke thought and ideas.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Total Inspiration Art and Music Festival - Spring Break 2011!!!

I wanted to make this a week long expression of whatever, but half way through i just got bored and uninspired. Who the fuck is gonna look at this anyways?
                                                                              Area 1

Area 2

I really enjoy this photo ^^ art within art within art :) so.. art cubed?? 

Area 3

Warning. Extremely graphic depiction. You have been warned.

The last conversation and Robocop's final word said in this movie !!
Seriously if you havent seen Robocop, i feel sorry for you. A graphic yet wonderful philosophical journey. I could easily write a 20 page paper on how this film has contributed to art and the philosophy worlds. Also, after Robocop, watch Starship Troopers (both directed by Paul Verhoeven) Mindblowing work.

Amazing music, great visuals, even better philosophy. I love Verhoeven's work
Westernized women on the field of battle? Groundbreaking...

I thought this was funny/interesting


Thomson & Craighead

Jon Thomson (born 1969) and Alison Craighead (born 1971) are London-based visual artists, who work with video, sound and the internet.

This piano was designed to play midi tracks found on the internet. This is interesting because to me, you take a digital medium and convert it to an analog format, and this is what you get. It may not sound amazing by any means, but its interesting to see how a computer would play these digital files in a "real" setting. Pretty nifty!
Its small projects like these that get turned into a bigger idea. I couldnt tell you what it is, but things like ipods, etc came from simple ideas such as these. Art has a purpose!!

Harold Cohen

Now this is just mindblowing. A computer that has been programmed to come up with completely original art? The video goes into a tiny bit of depth, and ill let the video do the explaining. But this is a big deal, at least to me in the field of computers, and art in general. I mean, come on, a machine that creates original content, that no one has ever seen?! Insane!!

Toni Dove

Toni Dove is a New York-based artist working primarily in electronic and interactive media. She is considered one of the pioneers of interactive cinema, and has shown work at ZKM, the Banff Centre for the Arts, the Brooklyn Anchorage, and the Whitney Museum of American Art. She has been affiliated with Creative Time and Harvestworks, and a DVD version of scenes from her pieces has been distributed by Cycling '74. She is the granddaughter of American abstract painter Arthur Dove.

Toni Dove - Spectropia
(Click for a video clip!!)
Now I don't know if this is just a clip of the entire performance, but this completely had me in awe. Its artists like Toni that put smiles on my face. To experience a work that someone has put themself into, and completely put thier heart and soul into is a moving experience.
I would definately like to check her out if when she tours in the LA area. I bet this would be one fun interactive experience I would never forget!

John Whitney

John Whitney, Sr. (April 8, 1917 - September 22, 1995) was an American animator, composer and inventor, widely considered to be one of the fathers of computer animation.


Matrix III (1972)
This video is amazing! Its awesome how something so simple such as multiple shapes in a certain pattern can create such a visually stimulating experience. And to think this was created in 1972!! I myself am a fan of art like this, i always have the visualizer up on Winamp!

Catalog (1961)

This piece i find a bit more visually stimulating. This is truely the kind of art where you should'nt try to reverse engineer and just enjoy it for what it is. Press play, and enjoy the show! Although I would love to know how this type of work was done back in 1961.

Friday, April 22, 2011

I have to share this.

OMG. Perfection.

You're welcome!!
And to think, Skrillex is a 23 year old Los Angeles native. Mind=Blown.
Im moving to Los Angeles... Mind=Decided.

Smile :)

The Roman philosopher Cicero believed that in order to have a true friendship with someone, one must have complete honesty, truth, and trust. He also thought that friends would do things for each other without expectation of repayment. If a friend is about to do something wrong, one should not compromise one's morals and let the friend commit the action--one should explain what is wrong about the action, and help one's friend understand what is right. Cicero believed that ignorance is the cause of evil.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bruce Nauman

Bruce Nauman is a contemporary American artist. His practice spans a broad range of media including sculpture, photography, neon, video, drawing, printmaking, and performance.

                                                                    Pinch Neck (1968)
What I find interesting about this piece is that its really nothing out of the ordinary. It's a man who is just playing with his face and neck. But how often do we just stop and watch small acts like these? It sometimes feels like people stare at you and want you to stop. Here, the viewer just simply watches something we dont normally take the time to look at.

                                                                 Clown Torture (1987)
I just like this video because it seems very bizzare, to say the least. It gives you this sense of disturbance, as if watching an actual torture video, but its a creepy clown. Something you would find buried deep in someone's attic while cleaning up for the estate sale.

New OC music, and artist blogs

OC as in original content, not Orange County. I am still doing research on the artists, i enjoy alot that i see, but its ard to fully grasp the concept and explain how i feel about it. But i am being creative this spring break, i have 2 new music demos...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Gary Hill

Gary Hill's work is especially significant due to his incorporation of text in video art. Hill began working with video, text and sound in 1973. He was influenced by the intellectual orientation of conceptual art which dominated art of the 1970s.

                                                                    Black White Text
This work by Gary Hill was done in 1980. I can see most people not being able to make it through the whole video, but I find it quite intriguing. The blending of simple words that describe the shapes on the screen makes out to be a wonderfully hypnotizing effect, especially when watching the visuals he has come up with on screen. As difficult as it seems to have made, im sure it wasn't. He just merely had an idea and ran with it!

                                                                   Electronic Linguistic
This work was done in 1978. I find this video even more exciting than Black White Text. I don't know if the music affected what was seen on screen or vice versa, but I find this to be completely facinating. To see what visual pops up to the electronic blips and bleeps is for lack of a better word, amazing!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Blogging and Art 100

I can understand what Glenn was talking about today. I do apologize for not speaking up, that is one of my character flaws. I am a silent wallflower type. But anyways.. the way I look at it, is that this class is supposed to be educational and fun. I in no way find it boring or "whatever". The point of all the work we do is to get ideas, be creative and just have fun with it. Art is about having fun and being creative while expressing what makes you and your view of the world unique. A majority of the blogs in the class (not all) are just only what Glenn asked for. A blog is a way to channel your creativity so the whole world can see. I find it hard to believe that one is un-creative. It's just people don't want to try. The point is to let go, act like a child and just go for it. There is no right or wrong, just people who do, and don't.

I guess I had an early start. This blog, An Influx Of Culture, was created by me almost 3 years ago. It sat dormant for years because I had no creative content to put on it. The moniker "epicnova" has been in use for over 10 years. This class has helped hone in on my creative abilities and ideas and has made my 10 year and 3 year "identity" really come to the surface. I really appreciate this class and all Glenn does teach us. I can completely understand why he is so frustrated. Not many are willing to just let go and jump in! Come on, the water is warm, and its alot of fun in the in here. Get to crackin!

Thoes who can create, do.. and thoes that can't.... become politicians. ;)


enjoy spring break all!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Beall Center for Art and Technology

This place was ALOT smaller than I was imagining, but it was awesome! I had a smile on my face the entire time I was in there. Very interesting work to look at. I also liked it when the actuators kicked in and was playing music! Very interesting indeed! :D

Thursday, April 7, 2011

New paintings!

Done with spray paint, inspired by space painting artist Brandon McConnell ( My first time attempting anything of a sort, and I think it turned out pretty well! Enjoy!

Fractal Art

I was going through my external hd and found a folder that contained fractal art I had created a year or two back using the program Apophysis. The kaleidoscoped versions were done using a photo editing software. I can't recall the name of the program, it was a free trial download from some website. So without further adieu, here is some fractal art!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Technologic - An audio/visual experience and Second Life

At first I was just going to make a few avatars on Second Life, take a few snapshots and call it good. But I felt that was doing my creative brain a complete injustice. I think Second Life is amazing, and you can catch me on there a few hours a day (not all at once!). Epicnova is my name, and you can find me either at CSULB or at ZAPP Club (look for me!) Here's a few pictures :)

Older pic

                                      Most recent pic, of me gettin my groove on at Zapp Club!!

Now on to the really creative part of this section. The video! I basically just went to the park and filmed random stuff, and took some vid of things at home. I used muvee AutoProducer6 to integrate the audio/video and add the "psychedelic" type effects. The track you hear accompanying the video was produced by me, in three days using Fruity Loops Studio 6. I basically used all the stock samples and just used a ton of reverb, flange and chorus effects to add the echo'y effect of the instruments. I also had to put on a few bass boost effects, to ensure there was enough low end (can't have enough bass!!) This video took me about a week to finish, and im pretty impressed with it. Imagine what I can do with a semi agenda and more time!! Enjoy!!

Christophe Bruno

Christophe Bruno (born July 1, 1964) is a French artist. He began his artistic activity in 2001, influenced by the movement. His thesis is that through the web, and especially through the ability to search and monitor it thoroughly by means of Google, we are heading towards a global text that among other things enables a new form of textual, semantic capitalism, which he explores in his work. His artworks include Iterature, Logo.Hallucination, The Google Adwords Happening, and many other pieces.


Iterature, a collection of pieces or documentations of performances which use the text from the web as material. Many of the pieces are search engines hacks (primarily Google). They get hold of text floating around the web and use it as raw material for various re-workings, cut-ups, algorithmic text generations, visualizations, cartographies and so forth.

"Starting on the 14th of December, 2002,  began as a hapax, i.e. a word which appears once and only once in the literature, and by extension, which appears once and only once on the web, considered as a global text. Indeed I carefully checked out on all the search engines that there was no occurence of this word on the web beforehand.

The aim of this piece is to follow, month after month, year after year, the birth and the life of this new signifier which has no signification yet as I write these lines."

I find this to be a very interesting piece of work, taking a word that is only used once, and seeing where it ends up. Something so simple can turn out to mean so much more.


Logo.Hallucination deals with the question of privatization of the glance in relation to collective hallucination: an image recognition software based on neural networks, continuously monitors the images circulating on the Web looking for hidden logos, and sends cease & desist mails whenever a copyright violation is detected.

What's interesting about Logo.Hallucination, is the fact that something can be found in almost anything. Some of the corellations on there are easily discernable, and others aren't.

                                                        The Google AdWords Happening

AdWords Happening plays with the rules of Google's AdWords service by inserting "spam poems" in the ad boxes that appear selectively to the user according to his personal search. Clicking on these links would of course then redirect the user to Bruno's website.

An Internet installation that shows the news pictures that are the most viewed (ranked from 1 to 10) on different national Yahoo portals, in real time. A panoptic vision of the topics of fascination of mankind: the viewer surfs on the infotainment wave and experiences the paradoxes of global thinking in a blink.

Good times.

I have been working hard all day to get my artist blog/presentation just right. I am not finished, by any means, and its already 3am. I am more than likely not going to be able to make it to class today. I do apologize Glenn, I have let you and myself down. I have been busy (ahem, stressing and going insane) over projects, and the Beall trip. But safe to say, I have been working hard on all. I actually have created my own cheezy techno track to go along with my weird ass video clips. And ive been playing on Second Life. Pix Plox!

Second Life

                                             Fruity Loops Studio 5: A three day techno session!

New artwork.